International Mathematical KANGAROO Contest 2013

Surya Institute would like to invite Indonesian students to participate in:

International Mathematical KANGAROO Contest 2013

Day/Date    : Saturday, March 22nd, 2014
Time          : 10.00 am - 12.00 pm

Venue        :
1. Jabodetabek (Surya University)
2. Bandung (Bina Bangsa School)
3. Semarang (Bina Bangsa School)
4. Surabaya (Xin Zhong School)
5. Bali (Sekolah Lentera Kasih)
6. Medan (Prime One School)
7. Pekanbaru (Yayasan Pendidikan Cendana)
8. Timika (Yayasan Pendidikan Jayawijaya)

1. Pre-Ecolier: student in grade 1 - 2
2. Ecolier: student in grade 3 - 4
3. Benjamin: student in grade 5 - 6
4. Cadet: student in grade 7 - 8
5. Junior: student in grade 9 - 10
6. Senior: student in grade 11 - 12
We hope your students/children will take part and be successful in this contest.
We appreciate for your attention and interest.

Nb: Bisa dipilih menggunakan bahasa Indonesia atau Inggris

Telepon- (021) 531633 94-98
SMS- 0856 9262 3056
Facebook- Surya Institut
Twitter- @suryainstitute
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